Blake Monroe
Blake Monroe

Downtown Clarksville's 8 Most Chic Airbnb Destinations

Sometimes when you travel, you want to stay in a place that feels more like home than the commercialized vibe of a hotel. Sometimes, hotels are more convenient, but other times you may want a chic girls' hideaway or a place to cook and do laundry to sustain the family for a longer stay. This is…

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The History of The Paths We Walk Today

Clarksville is home to a rich history rooted in the stories of African American culture. These individuals and their testaments continue to influence the city’s landscape. To honor and educate the city’s visitors about the narrative around the region’s correlation with Black History, the African…

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A Single's Guide to Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day is not just for chocolates, flowers, and love. This day can transform into what you want it to be. Maybe it is a chance to go to dinner or to catch a movie by yourself, or maybe it's an opportunity to make plans with some of your closest friends. Whatever the case may be, being…

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When you envision a romantic getaway, you might imagine a fancy, romantic dinner, a fun-filled date night, or maybe even a moonlit stroll by the water. What if we said Clarksville, Tenn. could provide all of this and more for under $500. It's true! Clarksville is an ideal destination for couples…

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Ring in 2022 With Everything New

Looking back on 2021, we have experienced unceasing growth in our community. From new restaurants, shopping, things to do and industries, Clarksville, Tennessee is continuing to attract national attention. With this being said, 2022 shows no sign of slowing down either. If you haven't visited…

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5 Ways to Enjoy the APSU Campus

Clarksville is home to hundreds of thousands of people. With this size population, there are many options for fun on a typical weekend. Enjoy dinner downtown. See a movie or show at one of the theatres. Plan an escape games outing with friends. One often overlooked opportunity is the myriad of…

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