
The Living Gallery

15 Henry Street, Clarksville, TN 37040

(931) 221-7333


The Living Gallery is a dedicated space for student creative research in the heart of APSU's new Art and Design Building. This residency program accommodates ten dedicated student studios, providing the invaluable resources - time and space to make work, an exhibition space with which to exhibit those efforts, critical response from APSU’s robust Visiting Artist program, and regular opportunities for public viewing - all designed to foster high level independent creative research within the APSU Art and Design student community. Each term, all students taking art classes are eligible to propose a project to use these spaces. More than just a studio, this competitive student residency functions as a campus hub and model for creative research within our university community. The Living Gallery is an embodiment of the Department of Art and Design’s commitment to provide a creative environment that enables students to ask questions, think critically, and take risks as they gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary for a meaningful, productive life and work as critical makers in a global society.