
Old Glory Distilling Co.

451 Alfred Thun Road, Clarksville, TN 37040

(931) 919-2522


Old Glory is a small-batch artisan distillery in a part of America that doesn't worship novelty or look favorably upon flashes in the pan. For them, it's all about hand crafting spirits the right way. In the case of their whiskey, that means using locally grown grains and taking their time to get it right. 

The owners are native Clarksvillians and the distillery represents the opportunity to bring something to the city that everyone would be excited about and proud to call their own. The products they proudly craft are a representation of the hardworking, patriotic, and unyielding character that embodies our city and this great country. 

Take a tour and tasting to experience their bourbon whiskey, gin, vodka, moonshine, rum and more craft spirits. You'll also enjoy the large gift shop of patriotic merchandise.

Information-General Information
  • Hours of Operation: Monday-Saturday: 11:00am-6:00pm Sunday: 1:00pm-6:00pm