Governors Stadium, with stadium seating for 8,200, is an NCAA regulation-size field. APSU’s football, track and cross-country events have been well attended since the arena was built by the city of Clarksville in 1946. Undergoing periodic renovations to modernize playing surfaces and meet fan needs, the stadium includes a rubberized track and field area, ticket booths, an officials’ room and press box. The space is wired throughout with fiber optics and broadband cabling to provide computer hookups to the Internet and networked services in the classrooms, offices, athletics and exhibit areas. They also have a wide range of audiovisual offerings such as state-of-the-art lighting and sound systems, television monitors, video cassette and DVD players, overhead and slide projectors and a portable 8-by-8 projector screen. Other amenities include podiums, microphones and multidimensional tables and chairs.